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If you have a Petition, Campaign, or other cause you would like us to help publicise, especially if it is related to road safety, or other transport issues, please email us your details and that of your petition, goal, or interest. We are especially interested in exchanging links with sites that have a common goal or shared interest. You can contact us via the email link below:

Potholes Petition:

sign and share
our petition: change.org/FixTheUKsPotholes (opens in new window), (on Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), Tik-Tok, etc., or by email or text, as we need all the signatures we can get if this is to have any impact. It is especially important that as many people as possible share the link to our petition, as we can only put pressure on Councils and the Government if enough people sign and that needs people to share the links with their friends, colleagues and family and on as many Social Media sites as possible, or by email or text/app. message (WhatsApp, Skype, Messenger, Signal, etc.).
Typical Pothole
Please also visit 'Mr. Pothole's' page on Facebook, as he has done lots to publicise the problem and has added links to us, which has helped get more signatures and re-posts: Mr Pothole (Facebook)
When signing our petition, you will need to confirm your email address, but there is no need to make a contribution (you will likely be prompted to do so, but this is from Change.org, who are a for-profit organisation and use 'donations' to pay (themselves) to promote petitions. You can choose to not have your name published on the website and can also choose not to receive updates about this or other petitions, or, you can just choose to 'unsubscribe' from further emails at any time.
Please also leave a 'Reason for Signing' if you would, as this is all good fuel for the effort and - sorry for asking again - but, please, please, re-post - anywhere and everywhere you can. Thank you!

Why this petition and website - and why now?:

We recognise that repairing potholes may seem to be a relatively minor issue, compared to bigger issues, such as Climate Change, Water Quality, Avaialability & Use, War in Ukraine, Gaza and other parts of the world and even other UK specific issues, such as Housing, Immigration, the NHS, Education, Police, etc., but that does not mean that our roads should just be left to deteriorate and become a danger to all who use them. This petition is all about improving the
of our roads above all else.
Vehicles and road use are, quite rightly, coming under attack because of Climate Change, and we all need to do more to reduce the number of miles we drive and place a gentler and smaller footprint (and tyreprint) on this delicate earth that we all call home, especially in the more 'developed' parts of the world. Cars and other vehicles are bad enough for the environment already, without having to discard even more tyres, suspension components and other parts - long before they have served their usual lifespan - because of potholes and other road surface defects. Electric vehicles are exactly the same in this respect.
Ignoring the state of the roads and allowing them to fall into a state of disrepair is not the way to get people off the roads; this way lies madness, causing increased accidents, loss of working hours, stress, frustration and spiralling costs, which can only result in an increase in the total cost to repair and maintain our roads in the long run.
Repairing potholes and other road defects costs a lot of money and uses a tremendous amount of material, which in itself is extremely eco-
when done so badly that it needs re-doing soon after, as so many are right now! Roads, cars and other vehicles are one of the largest contributors to global warming, environmental damage and loss of habitat for wildlife, but if we are to have roads, then they should be kept in good condition for safety sake and to avoid unnecessary wastage. The way forward is to make
use of our roads -
the rail network (see 'Railways', below)!

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This page was last updated on: 14 May 2024
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